Neuroscience – the science of brain and behaviour – is the key science of the 21st century. It is the science that explores what makes each of us thinking, feeling and behaving individuals, and what ultimately defines us as human beings.
The Brain for Business series of workshops will bridge the gap between the latest advances in neuroscience and the day-to-day experience of leaders in the real world of business and organisations. By applying recent research on brain function to people within organisations and workplaces – and especially knowledge workers – key lessons and practical insights from neuroscience will be highlighted which programme participants will be able to apply immediately in order to help change leaders, organisations and organisational practice for the better.
Our brains have many biases, heuristics and predilections, and we know more about how to work with these than ever before. Yet behaviour change is hard. Adopting steps and strategies that are well-founded in the science of brain and behaviour can help individuals and organisations to adapt to the demands of the modern world – doing more, achieving more and being more effective.
Creativity is an innately human activity. It is what we all do – as human beings we are hard-wired to be creative. Yet where does it come from? Once upon a time people spoke of creativity as being the result of “divine intervention” leading to “Eureka!” moments as a great breakthrough came to us. But now we know better! This session will explore the latest findings from neuroscience on the sources and basis of creativity, helping participants understand how they can enhance their own personal creativity and those of the teams and organisations they lead.
Is there such a thing as a creative personality? And are some people more creative than others? Through a detailed discussion of personality and the impact of context and environment, participants will explore the latest research into personality and learn about the key personality traits and contextual factors including leadership and teams that support creativity.
When it comes to innovation some organisations have it, some don’t… or so it seems. Building on the latest research into leadership, teams and innovation, this session will explore the key aspects of innovative organisations and explain why some organisations always seem to be leading the pack. The session will equip leaders with the tools to enhance innovation and creativity in their own organisations, making a step-change for the better.